What to expect at your first Session:
The goal of the first intro session is to learn proper technique on each of the main barbell lifts; Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift and Bench Press. These will be the foundation exercises during the strength training program since they work the most muscle mass in the shortest amount of time. Your Coach will also determine the appropriate starting weight for you on each lift. Your first session will run about 90 minutes.
The Strength Training Program:
The Strength Training Program is a Linear Progression (LP) and designed to be a 3 day per week program. Exceptions can be made for populations that cannot meet these guidelines. The elderly, an in-season athlete or professions with unpredictable schedules may benefit from 2 days per week. Strength can still be developed in this case, although at a slower rate. LP is a program where the exercises stay constant, and more weight is added to the bar each session. (your strength progresses in a constant, linear fashion). Your coach’s role is to continue monitoring your technique and providing the necessary corrections each session, as well as determining appropriate weight increases. (Note: most coaches have coaches to train them. Technique can easily breakdown, and can always be improved, even for a seasoned lifter).
After a few weeks on LP, your strength coach will introduce minor changes to your program on a client-to-client basis. Generally, Chin ups and other assistance exercises are added, and Deadlifts are reduced to once per week. Your initial sessions will alternate between A and B workouts, with modifications after about week 3:
Squats 3 sets of 5 reps
OH Press 3 sets of 5 reps
Deadlift 1 set of 5 reps
Squats 3 sets of 5 reps
Bench Press 3 sets of 5 reps
Deadlift 1 set of 5 reps
Recovery During the Strength Training Program:
Recovery is a crucial component in strength training, or any physical pursuit. Physical improvement always follows the equation Stress + Recovery = Adaptation. Stress refers to the demands you place on your body during your workout, and Adaptation is your body becoming stronger in order for you to lift more weight at your next session. Without proper Recovery, this cycle is broken, and improvements can slow or stop altogether. The following are the main factors affecting your strength gains:
Time between Sets: Strength training is not meant to be cardio. You should be fully rested before you attempt your next set. A typical beginner will need 2-5 minutes, but it is acceptable to take up to 10 minutes if needed. For in person sessions, your coach is there to help manage your pace.
Rest: Make sure you are getting enough sleep, with 7-8 hrs a night is a fairly accepted started point. Many people take advantage of short cat-naps (10-15 mins) throughout the day if needed.
Nutrition: The vast majority of people who start a strength program don’t eat enough. This is counter intuitive these days, but a demanding training regimen requires fuel to build, grow and improve. Exceptions to this are overweight or obese trainees, and your coach can help you with those diet modifications. Most people are pleasantly surprised that their physique improves even with increased calories – both men and women included. At least 1 gram of protein per body weight is the starting point (150 lb person = 150 grams protein). If you have trouble meeting this amount, whole milk and perhaps a quality whey protein drink are two easy ways to sneak in protein. The rest of your diet should consist of moderate carbs and vegetables. Fad “diets” for the purpose of losing weight are not advised for the general trainee, and usually hinder weight room performance.
Additional Suggested Investments for Strength Training:
Clothing: Cotton t-shirts seem to work best for strength training, mainly due to squatting, which requires the bar to be placed on the shoulders. Cotton “grabs” the knurling on the bar and helps keep it in place. Neoprene and other performance wear has a slick sheen and not ideal. The shoulders should also be covered when squatting, as the knurling can make your session more uncomfortable than need be. Shorts/pants are a matter of comfort/preference, provided they allow you a full range of motion. If shorts are worn, it is recommended to wear long socks that cover the calf. This is for Deadlifts, where the bar is moved up the shin.
Weightlifting Shoes: If you plan on sticking with a strength training program for more than a couple sessions, weightlifting shoes are a necessary investment. They have hard soles and provide extra stability. Normal “sneakers” have a spongy sole, no arch support and overall not designed for strength training. To better understand the point, picture yourself standing on a mattress, and lifting a heavy object over your head. Addidas Powerlift and Do-Win are 2 good entry level brands that can be purchased online for $80-$90.